Mr. Heinrich Steger is responsible for the texts, photos and other contents of this website.

Zirkonzahn SRL
Via An der Ahr 7 – 39030 Gais (BZ)
South Tyrol – Italy
T +39 0474 066 660
F +39 0474 066 661

Represented by the directors: Steger Heinrich und Steger Julian

VAT ID and taxpayer identification number: 02376910218
Identification number Chamber of Commerce Bolzano: 02376910218
Registered capital: 50.000,00 €

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We expressly declare that our company does not affect the layout or contents of pages linked to this website. Therefore, we do not assume any liability or guarantee for those contents. Providers or administrators of linked websites are always responsible for their own contents. We therefore decline all liability for the contents and for the opinions expressed in them which may or may not coincide with our own.

Reproduction, editing, distribution as well as the use of any kind outside the scope of the copyright law require a written permission of the author or originator.
Copyright laws of third parties are respected as long as the contents on these websites do not originate from the provider.
However, if you notice any violations of copyright law, please inform us. Should any legal infringement become known to us, we will remove the respective link immediately.